Dr. Brian McBee
Dr. Brian K. McBee is Portfolio Lead, Model-Based Systems Engineering and Analysis, Space Vehicles Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory. Dr. McBee’s supporting branch is standing up to define and execute modernized processes that drive AFRL S&T priorities toward viable space technologies that will seamlessly transition to the warfighter using SysML-driven modeling, simulation, and analysis (MS&A) coupled with bench and flight experimentation. In his current role, Dr. McBee is driving to make M&S more seamless across the space acquisition and S&T communities with an eye toward simulation environments that drive DoD-wide system-of- system integration in Joint All-Domain operations.
Doctor McBee began his career as an Intelligence Officer supporting RC-135 ISR operations. He then moved to the original USSPACECOM, first to be on crew at Cheyenne Mountain as a Space and Missile events officer, then as a USSPACECOM’s lead foreign counterspace intelligence analyst. He then was assigned to the Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation (AFAMs) where he drove requirements for ISR simulations to stimulate operation-center training in exercises such as Ulchi Focus Lens, Unified Endeavor, and Blue Flag. He then was assigned to The Ohio State University to obtain an MS in Geodetic science with a follow-on assignment to lead various training and education efforts for the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA). While there, he was deployed to Iraq to command the theater-wide weapons intelligence effort, leading 18 forensic collection teams and an intelligence analysis cell to assist in breaking down IED kill chains. He was then assigned to Virginia Tech to obtain a PhD in Applied mathematics with a follow-on assignment to Air Force Institute of Technology where he capped off his military career as Deputy Head, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Upon military retirement, Dr. McBee began leading AFRL Space M&S efforts culminating in his current position.
06-May-2025General Session: Executive Ballroom IWelcome Opening Remarks
07-May-2025General Session: Executive Ballroom IDay 2 Opening Remarks
08-May-2025General Session: Executive Ballroom IDay 3 Opening Remarks