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2024 Conference Agenda

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DAF M&S Summit

  1. 60 mins
    Invite Only for Authors & Conference Leadership. Sponsored by FSI Defense, A FlightSafety International Company.
  1. 615 mins
  1. Continental Breakfast
    55 mins
    *Included in paid conference package with meals only
  2. 690 mins
  1. 60 mins
    Mr. Richard Tempalski, a Department of the Air Force (DAF) designated Highly Qualified Expert (HQE), serves as the Chief Modeling & Simulation Officer (CMSO). As the CMSO, he leads this newly established mission in overseeing DAF modeling and simulation investments, circa 3 Billion dollars, and opportunities while looking for optimization across the Enterprise. Tempalski engages with stakeholders in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), academia, industry, federal agencies, and coalition partners, to identify, initiate, and revise policy, develop the workforce, and establish modeling and simulation (M&S) architecture standards. Mr. Tempalski is also leading the work to design a knowledge management system enabling re-use of resources, as well as developing an M&S certification mechanism for Major Defense Acquisition Programs in support of Milestone A reviews. Read More
  1. Networking Break & Exhibit Hall
    15 mins
  1. 60 mins
    The United States and its Allies must make substantial progress toward more modern and collaborative military training as Russia’s war in Ukraine continues to rattle NATO and the prospect of conflict with China looms in the Pacific. This panel will bring Senior Leaders together to discuss how M&S can enable effective battlefield management training in a multidisciplinary and digitally interconnected world.
  1. Lunch & Exhibit Hall
    75 mins
  1. 120 mins
    Plan your schedule to hear from top industry experts in presentations related to technologies of interest, grouped into specific focus areas. Briefing sessions are 20 minutes, with 5 minutes for Q&A. View the full list of briefings here.
  1. Networking Break & Exhibit Hall
    15 mins
  1. 120 mins
    Plan your schedule to hear from top industry experts in presentations related to technologies of interest, grouped into specific focus areas. Briefing sessions are 20 minutes, with 5 minutes for Q&A. View the full list of briefings here.
  1. 105 mins
    The opening reception, sponsored by KBR, is a networking event for industry, academia, and government attendees involved in the modeling and simulation community. Participants will have the chance to network and visit exhibitors to discover the latest in MS&T technology.
  1. 600 mins
  1. 570 mins
  2. Continental Breakfast
    55 mins
    *Included in paid conference package with meals only
  1. 60 mins
    The DAF needs to develop Airmen and Guardians with the attributes needed for a high-end fight, reduce bureaucracy, and streamline decision-making processes. The DAF needs to reshape the service’s culture and mindset to address strategic competition and designing the force required for the future. This panel discussion will address the critical need for DAF training modernization and reorientation to counteract strategic competition in the Air, Space, and Cyber domains.
  1. Networking Break & Exhibit Hall
    15 mins
  1. 60 mins
    The NCO’s role in multiple services for leadership, training and operations are critical. This panel will provide a forum for our NCO Service Members to discuss their training challenges and how M&S will be used to overcome those challenges.
  1. Lunch & Exhibit Hall
    75 mins
  1. 120 mins
    Plan your schedule to hear from top industry experts in presentations related to technologies of interest, grouped into specific focus areas. Briefing sessions are 20 minutes, with 5 minutes for Q&A. View the full list of briefings here.
  1. Networking Break & Exhibit Hall
    15 mins
  1. 120 mins
    Plan your schedule to hear from top industry experts in presentations related to technologies of interest, grouped into specific focus areas. Briefing sessions are 20 minutes, with 5 minutes for Q&A. View the full list of briefings here.
  1. 165 mins
    While attending DAFMSS 2024, show your physical conference badge to participating “Show Your Badge” establishments during the dates of the event to take advantage of discounted offers! San Antonio offers many sites and attractions with discounts for government and military. No formal event will be hosted.
  1. 480 mins
  1. Continental Breakfast
    55 mins
    *Included in paid conference package with meals only
  2. 465 mins
  1. 60 mins
    Due to the increasing availability of data and wider use of analytics there’s an increased reliance on modeling and simulation. While industry can rapidly leverage the tremendous advancements in M&S technology the government isn’t as agile. This panel will be a forum to discuss effective strategies on how government and industry leaders can collaborate to rapidly deploy tools, data, and services across the DAF M&S Enterprise.
  1. Networking Break & Exhibit Hall
    15 mins
  2. 150 mins

    NTSA is focused on filling our workforce pipeline with prospects who are better prepared, more confident, and highly engaged to take on careers in the Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) fields, particularly those in our industry. As such, NTSA recognizes the critical importance of engaging students early in hands-on STEM activities while supporting educators who are our front line in shaping and building our future workforce. Participating schools: Randolph High School & CAST STEM High School. STEM Lunches sponsored by Infinity Labs, LLC.

  1. 60 mins
    Medical Simulation shows great potential in educating and training future medical practitioners in combat scenarios, garrison care, and humanitarian missions. This panel will discuss new innovative technologies and currents challenges in the field of medical modeling and simulation.
  1. Lunch & Exhibit Hall
    75 mins
  1. 120 mins

    The DAF Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis community needs an integrated collaborative suite of capabilities for Airman and Guardians to manage Software, Knowledge, Tools, Data, Compute Resources, and Training. This panel will provide an overview of capabilities from across the DoD to enable infrastructure, collaborative tools, knowledge management, and capability development. Presentations by DAF and DoD MS&A capability providers to include M&S Gateway overview, Lift Platform (US Navy), Army M&S, DoD HPC overview, AETC’s ITP, and DAF DPaaS - LaunchPad.

  2. 135 mins
    Visit the Classified Session Information page for complete details.
  3. 120 mins
    Plan your schedule to hear from top industry experts in presentations related to technologies of interest, grouped into specific focus areas. Briefing sessions are 20 minutes, with 5 minutes for Q&A. View the full list of briefings here.
  1. Networking Break & Exhibit Hall
    15 mins
  1. 120 mins

    Topics of discussion are integration and interoperability of enablers across the DoD including topics in Data, Digital Material Management, Training, Compute, Tools, and infrastructure. Moderated audience questions. Discussion will focus on current pain points and effective solutions in a digitally connected world to support Enterprise MS&A.

  2. 120 mins
    Plan your schedule to hear from top industry experts in presentations related to technologies of interest, grouped into specific focus areas. Briefing sessions are 20 minutes, with 5 minutes for Q&A. View the full list of briefings here.